Mike Ward 24, rose to fame on the second series of The Voice UK.
Mike was mentored by Welsh singing legend Tom Jones, who helped Ward to the final four.
When Mike Ward auditioned for The Voice UK at the tender age of 22, he had no idea that he would go on to become one of Britain’s leading country artists.
Here I chat to the man himself, about working with Tom Jones, life after The Voice UK and his future plans.
How old were you when you started singing?
I was brought up on music, particularly Country Music, so it was just a natural progression really, I don’t remember exactly when
When did you realize you wanted to become a professional singer?
I always have had a love of singing but never did anything about it, then I was made redundant from my day job and that’s when my mum entered me for The Voice UK, and the rest as they say is history
What we it like being mentored by the legend Tom Jones?
got on really well with Tom both on and off the show, he has so much knowledge and he was really supportive
Are you glad you entered the The Voice UK?
It was my Mum who entered me without me knowing, before the audition I had never sung in front of an audience
How would you describe your sound since leaving the show?
If you could collaborate with any artist who would you choose?
George Ezra I think it would be cool
Do you keep in contact with Sir Tom?
Yes as we are both busy it’s not as frequent, but I know he keeps up to date on what I’m doing
Do you have any advice for anyone thinking of entering a TV talent show?
Do it! It’s an experience and as singers we learn from everything we do, I enjoyed my time on The Voice UK. Always stay grounded and remember that family and friends are important as they will always be there for you
What do you have planned for the future?
I had a Single Launch Party for my second single ‘Don’t Close Your Eyes’ which was the song I auditioned on The Voice with, I performed at the Manchester Irish Festival and I sang at the Americana International festival last month. And I also have my album out.
For more info on Mike, you can visit his website here: http://t.co/tBJV7N0eK4
You can also follow him on Twitter @MIKEWARDUK